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Created 12-Mar-07
Modified 7-May-09
11 photos
The corvid family includes crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, jays, and magpies. Corvids are typically intelligent, having been observed using tools (e.g. using sticks to extract larvae from holes in trees), and have a fairly long lifespan. Corvids are omnivorous (typically invertibrates, small animals, berries, seeds and fruits), and are often carrion-eaters (although they must wait for carrion to be opened, as their beak is not "designed" to do this). Corvids are generally social birds, and the young are often observed playing games.
Raven on BranchRooks Roosting in TreeCawing Rook on Fence PostRook Perched on WireRook in Grass and DaisiesRook in Grass and DaisiesRaven Standing on RockRaven Standing on RockRaven Standing on RockRaven Standing on RockRaven Standing on Rock