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Created 28-Feb-07
Modified 12-Oct-12
193 photos
A member of the mongoose family, meerkats (Suricata suricatta) are small mammals native to south-western Africa (including the Kalahari region). They are typically insectivores, although they will also feed on small birds, lizards, and mice. Highly sociable animals, they normally live in large groups (20 to 30), lead by a dominant pair.
All the animals in this gallery are held in captivity at Marwell Zoo.
MeerkatMeerkatMeerkat On LogMeerkat On RockMeerkat On RockMeerkat On RockMeerkat on LogMeerkat SittingMeerkatMeerkats SleepingMeerkat on LogMeerkat on LogMeerkat on LogMeerkat SleepingMeerkat on LogMeerkat on LogMeerkat on LogMeerkat on RockMeerkats on SandMeerkat on Log